Sep 22, 2009

Field Trip 2 - Chelsea Physic Gardens

Gardens Gardens Gardens. So far I've seen a lot of Gardens. All beautiful, but the UK really loves gardens.  For Natural Science (201 to be exact) we had a visit to the Chelsea Physic Gardens, aka the Botanic Gardens. The day was cold and cloudy which put a damper on things a bit, but it was still nice. The way the staff organized the garden was by mostly by use. There was a section of cooking plants, pharmaceutical plants, etc. They also had a world medicine section, which showed plants and what region of the world uses them most often. Of course it reminded me of my mom. My favorite section was the pharmaceutical section, which was divided into categories like cardiology, dermatology, psychiatry, and parasitological. I liked seeing the anti-malaria plants the most. 

Anti-Malaria Plant (above)

I know I know, I have far to many pictures of flowers but I go to a garden at least once a week!